Racecourse Parade

The Racecourse Parade Precinct was a master planning concept, envisioned to become an exemplary model for the delivery of affordable housing. Consisting of a mix of housing typologies to cater for a variety of tenants, the precinct was designed to be a lively and integral part of the Avondale town centre.
Client: Auckland Council Property Ltd
Location: Avondale, NZ
Development in the precinct is of a scale that feels appropriate for the area and compliments the busy retail activities along Great North Road. Visitors will navigate through a legible and safe public realm that features high quality urban design. Major community facilities exhibit engaging and open architecture that will integrate well with the town centre and surrounding developments. This master plan option responds to the existing landscape and includes the creation of additional landscape focus. It envisages a series of residential buildings stepping down along the contours of the site from a high point along Great North Road to the flat open land adjoining Avondale Racecourse.