Moreton Eye Day Hospital

MODE worked closely with Moreton Eye Group to deliver their new state of the art Clinic & Day Hospital in North Lakes.
Client: Moreton Eye Group
Location: North Lakes, QLD
Part of the design included two new surgical theatres, additional consult rooms for their clinic side, staff amenities, CSSD and recovery rooms. The project was delivered in two stages, the Eye Clinic with Reception, Consulting Rooms and Ancillary facilities followed by the Day Hospital, designed to cater predominantly for ophthalmic day procedures and allows for future growth/other modalities. MODE worked closely with Moreton Eye Group to create a bright and inviting facility with the two key colour palettes identifying the two interlinked spaces, and facilitate easy wayfinding for staff and clients. The result provides a bright and contemporary facility within the North Lakes Specialist Medical Centre. Premis Solutions were awarded the contract with delivery being achieved within a tight time frame and minimal disruption to adjoining tenancies.