Mobile Capability Centre

This unique and specialist group has developed technology to enable the unprecedented agility of the QPS in the field.
Client: Queensland Police Service
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Such has been the success of the ‘QLiTE’ that the potential growth of the program has resulted in the need for a specialist workplace fit out for the group. As with the ‘QLiTE’, agility and flexibility is key to the effectiveness of the design. Front of house areas provide spaces for display, reception and gatherings of varying formality and size,.
The back of house work area is designed around the principles of ABW (activity based working) in its’ true form. Staff do not have allocated workstations to encourage a flexible approach to the work environment. Instead, they may work in different locations and with different team members during the course of the day depending on the requirements of the tasks and their particular needs at the time. A dedicated collaboration zone has been created for the specific requirements of the group for scrum and huddle activities and for use by others when these are not taking place. Conversely, quiet rooms and a quiet lounge has been provided for more contemplative and concentrated activity. The staff café is also a popular area for work. Creativity and innovation is encouraged through the above options and the liberal use of whiteboards throughout.