Gold Coast Hockey Centre

The redevelopment of the Gold Coast Hockey Centre at Keith Hunt Park was envisaged to establish the facility as an effective hockey competition and training venue.
Client: Queensland Department of State Development
Location: Labrador, QLD
While the focus of this project was for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, this is part of a larger sport and recreation precinct housed within Keith Hunt Park. The Hockey Centre, now complete and in use, adds significant and meaningful sport and recreation facilities to the Gold Coast community. It includes hockey facilities of a national competition and training standard. This project was delivered in two stages and the upgrade to the existing clubhouse facilities included the refurbishment of the club room, meeting rooms, amenities, player change rooms, kitchen and tuck shop as well as player dug-out areas and umpiring facilities. MODE’s landscape architects worked closely with the large consultant team to design and document a multipurpose building forecourt, storm water quality infrastructure as well as wayfinding elements and vehicle infrastructure upgrades.