MODE Design Corp

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Merrimac SHS

This new facility was provided under the Queensland Government “Flying Start” initiative, where Year 7 students were transitioned into high school starting in 2015.

Client: Department of Education QLD
Location: Merrimac, QLD

The building is designed to provide 11x flexible General Learning Areas (GLAs) and associated support and staff areas over two levels, raised above the adjoining sports field. A lower ground level, to the buildings full extent, provides undercover storage and recreational space. The long narrow building is orientated north-south with single GLAs designed to take full advantage of prevailing breezes, while screening elements protect its users from the Queensland sun. All rooms are connected to a generously-sized veranda which serves as the building’s main circulation and access route. A main entry forecourt at the ground level connects the building to the rest of the school and provides a gathering space where Year 7 students are welcomed into their first year
of high school.