Hopkins Correctional Centre

This project comprised of the provision of accommodation for an additional 350 prisoners, on top of the existing 382 at the Hopkins Correctional Centre. Cell block accommodation houses 62% of inmates with 28% in cottage-style accommodation.
Client: Commonwealth Bank /
Bilfinger Berger Project Investments
Location: Ararat, VIC
In a joint venture with Guymer Bailey, MODE undertook this project, shaping a township with the old cell blocks centrally located, with new accommodation to the east and west. The concept of “Main Street” represented a linear town centre, affording equal access from old and new accommodation communities and formed an east-west spine that offers an address and sense of place for shared facilities, including education and programs, central kitchen and laundry, prisoner shop, operations management and support unit, visits, health, admissions and discharge and an indoor sports hall.
The new prison precinct was contained within the existing secure perimeter line,
while maintaining an adequate provision for recreational and open-space facilities without over-intensive development.