Auckland South Correctional Centre

This 1,000-bed correctional facility focuses on the reduction of
re-offending prisoners with a strong emphasis on rehabilitation programs and community reintegration.
Client: Fletcher Construction / Department of Corrections NZ
Location: Wiri, Auckland
It is the first privately-run prison built as a PPP in New Zealand. Located on the outskirts of Auckland, the facility was designed to minimise the overall effects on the site and make positive contributions to the surrounding community. It also marked the first prison in New Zealand designed to specifically reduce recidivism. The Auckland South Correctional Centre was designed with direction given by Iwi and cultural advisors.
The facility was not to be a Maori or Pacific facility but was to be designed to reference Maori design philosophies and respect cultural traditions. The facility includes a Whare and Fale within the facility and also a cultural meeting place outside of the secure perimeter to promote engagement between the staff, prisoners and community.